
CloudFormation templates for Deploying Trillo-RT on AWS

This repository provides a set of YAML templates for deploying trillo-rt services to Amazon EC2 Container Service (Amazon ECS) with AWS CloudFormation.

You can launch this CloudFormation stack in the US East (Ohio) Region in your account:


1. Overview


The repository consists of a set of nested templates that deploy the following:

2. Deployment

Trillo RT AWS CloudFormation stack can be created and Updated using AWS Management Console or AWS CLI and make. If you want to work with AWS CLI + make, please take a look at the Makefile for complete list of customizations.

2.1 How to create the stack?

2.1.1 AWS Management Console

Click cloudformation-launch-stack and input the stack name and other parameters and follow on screen instructions to submit stack creation.


And take the note of TrilloRtServiceUrl from the Outputs tab.


2.1.2 AWS CLI + make

Assuming that the AWS CLI is installed and configured, its as simple as running the following make command

$ make create-stack TRILLO_DOCKER_ID=<docker-id> TRILLO_DOCKER_PASSWORD=<password>

2.2 How to update the stack?

2.2.1 AWS Management Console

Login into AWS Management Console, choose the already created Trillo RT stack, select Update Stack from Actions and follow on screen instructions to submit stack update.


2.2.2 AWS CLI + make

Assuming that the AWS CLI is installed and configured, its as simple as running the following make command

$ make update-stack TRILLO_DOCKER_ID=<docker-id> TRILLO_DOCKER_PASSWORD=<password>

3. Template details

The templates below are included in this repository:

Template Description
master.yaml This is the master template - deploy it to CloudFormation and it includes all of the others automatically.
infrastructure/vpc.yaml This template deploys a VPC with a pair of public and private subnets spread across two Availability Zones. It deploys an Internet gateway, with a default route on the public subnets. It deploys a pair of NAT gateways (one in each zone), and default routes for them in the private subnets.
infrastructure/security-groups.yaml This template contains the security groups required by the entire stack. They are created in a separate nested template, so that they can be referenced by all of the other nested templates.
infrastructure/load-balancers.yaml This template deploys ALBs to the public subnets, which exposes the various ECS services. They are created in in a separate nested template, so that they can be referenced by all of the other nested templates and so that the various ECS services can register with them.
infrastructure/ecs-cluster.yaml This template deploys an ECS cluster to the private subnets using an Auto Scaling group.
infrastructure/database.yaml This template deploys a pair of MySQL instances (Master and Read Replica) in RDS.
infrastructure/bastion.yaml This template deploys a bastion-host(also called jump-host) for admin access.
services/trillo-rt-service.yaml This template deploys ECS container for trillo-rt-service.
services/trillo-data-service.yaml This template deploys ECS container for trillo-data-service .

4. References